Health & Wellbeing

Dr Anushi Rajapaksa


When Dr. Anushi Rajapaksa was 7 years old, she was so terrified of needles that she had to be sedated to receive a simple injection. Now, after 15 years of dedicated research, she and her team have created a breakthrough technology with world-changing potential.

Misti’s unique nebuliser mask “MyMisti” is a multi-award winning, novel and non-invasive lung delivery system that uses ultrasound waves to turn life-saving biomolecules into a mist that can deliver treatments to the deep lungs.

No needle required.

But the jump from blue sky dreaming to creating a viable product with all the necessary regulatory approvals has been quite the journey and it’s not over yet.

From being accepted into a prestigious accelerator program Dr Anushi learnt what it might take to go from being a researcher to a successful entrepreneur.

Hers is a wonderful story of resilience, hard work and persistence. It’s about having the courage and self-belief to begin the work and enough tenacity to keep going when everything gets too hard. 

Whether your audiences are interested in learning more about why we need more science and technology companies led by women, the importance of women in STEM, how medtech is changing the world or why her mum is her business hero, Dr. Anushi is the speaker for you. 

Book Anushi For Your Next Event